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The IV Vitamin Cocktail Hangover – When You Feel Worse After…

Harpal Clinic

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Many people know of the iv vitamin cocktail and in particular Myers – the best known of them. It consists of a mixture of Vitamin C, B-complex and magnesium with a few variations to it depending on where the stock comes from.

Most practitioners work with the basic Myers first before adding other additives to it. Frequently added ingredients are glutathione (a powerful antioxidant), high dose vitamin C, amino acids amongst others (Taurine, L-Carnitine, L-Lysine, Acetylcysteine, L-Arginine, L Carnosine) and minerals. Practitioners who are trained will usually let you know what you can add to benefit the particular issue that you’re interested in improving.

Most people feel very good on Myers. However, recently I’ve had a few patients who felt worse after a session. Symptoms they had included:

  • Headache
  • General unwell
  • Diarrhoea or constipation
  • Sinus congestion or flu-like symptoms
  • Body aches

Naturally they were worried after having experienced only great symptoms before. I congratulated all of them. I was really pleased about it! This is what happened…

They got dumped!

  • Their cells dumped stored wastes and toxins into the blood stream to be excreted via pee, poo or sweat
  • Occasionally, the innate metabolic pathways are stagnant or are already overworked. In this instance, the symptoms can also feel bad
  • Their detox organs are being overworked. These are your liver, skin, lymphatic system, kidney, colon and lungs
  • Their detox capacity is good or has improved

To me this is a good thing, although not comfortable to go through. At the very least, it means that stored toxins are being released and cells are now cleaner. There are a few things that can be done to decrease the effects of this happening.

So after a Myers, it is usually a good idea to:

  • Lay off alcohol for a while to allow your liver to recover from the toxin load from your cells
  • Drinks lots of water to flush things out
  • If you have diarrhoea like symptoms, do not take anti-diarrhoeal but let the body dispose of as much poo as it needs to
  • If you have constipation type symptoms, take high dose oral vitamin C and magnesium which can cause loose motion (a good thing here)
  • Try a colonic if you’re up for it
  • Take a magnesium salt bath. The magnesium can help draw out more toxins from your skin, speeding up the process of toxin extraction.
  • If you are familiar with intermittent fasting, it’s a good thing to try to let your digestive system take a break. Alternatively, consider going on a bone broth day. The fat and protein in the broth should keep you satiated. If you would like to do a juice fast instead, do include lots of vegetables in it as a fruit only juice can make you feel worse (due to its effect on insulin). Add some coconut oil to it to slow down absorption of glucose.
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