
Hormone Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or more appropriately, testosterone optimisation therapy, has surfaced from its underground reputation to become more mainstream.

In fact, more and more research supports its use in optimising health.

Just like other hormones such as thyroid, insulin, human growth hormone, melatonin, oestrogen and progesterone – testosterone levels decrease as we age.

During a treatment regime, we look to optimise all of these hormones so that our patients are well balanced.

Get in touch to find out more

Our holistic personalised approach

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Just like in a symphony orchestra, hormones, which behave like messengers, communicate with each other. Simply looking at one messenger and ignoring the rest may work for a little while, but our experience tells us that it usually feels like a constant game of catch-up. The answer? A holistic, integrated approach. Not to simply keep increasing the dose of testosterone, but to make sure the components of the hormonal cascade – the gut, nutrition, stress/lifestyle and the immune system – are all in sync. We do this for our patients, which makes our approach different from most other clinics.

We tailor every treatment regime to the individual, having a clear understanding that many factors have to be considered, including habits, lifestyle, preferences, individual reaction to different regimes and doses, fertility, age, and budget. There is something that will be the right fit for everyone. We try our best to work with you to find that exact fit – however long it takes.

Our modality of treatment includes various options such as:

  • Short term injectables – Sustanon and Enanthate

  • Long term injectable – Nebido

  • Creams and liposomal gels – we prefer bespoke compounded products which are dose-adjustable and have superior absorption and bioavailability

  • Testosterone implants – coming soon

  • HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin, where relevant

  • Clomid – where relevant

  • Other hormonal optimisation such as precursor hormones (DHEA, pregnenolone), thyroid, HGH and insulin, where relevant

  • Managing excess oestrogen (aromatisation) with aromasin or anastrozole

  • Manage excess SHBG, where relevant

  • Stress or adrenal support

  • Gut health and nutrition

The goal is full-body optimisation. We are data and research-driven and utilise the most important resource of all – feedback from our patients – in determining how we move forward safely and with care.

The nitty-gritty – you probably already know this, but just as an overview:

Types Of Testosterone Available In The UK

What is testosterone + what does it do in the body?

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women. Although it is more heavily associated with men, it is equally important to maintain optimal health.

It is most often associated with sex drive, but testosterone actually has many important functions in the body, influencing bone and muscle mass, fertility, and red blood cell production. It also contributes to skin quality, metabolic function, bone strength, muscle strength, mood, and cognitive function.

When our testosterone levels are optimal, we generally feel really good and healthy. When the levels are too low or too high, we can start to notice symptoms.

Results in a nutshell

A testimonial from one of our clients pretty much said in a single breath (paragraph is ours):

“Now after 3 months on testosterone therapy, my libido is very good and healthy, laugh a lot more, engage with life a lot more, listen to music a lot more, my body responds to going to the gym, more stamina, able to swim a lot longer, recovery from gym a lot quicker. I’m now waiting for the downfall as feel that its too good to be true. Able to handle stress a lot better. Feel much warmer than before. Anxiety levels much reduced. More effective at work. Get up and go is there. We have got our relationship back”

How do I know if I have low testosterone? Symptoms of low testosterone

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As mentioned, some symptoms of low testosterone are similar to other conditions. Some of the most common signs of low testosterone include:


  • Low libido

  • Poorer quality of erection or inability to maintain an erection

  • Loss of morning erections

  • Lack of energy

  • Feeling sluggish and tired

  • Changes to skin and hair

  • Fertility issues

  • Poor muscle tone and not getting the same results in the gym

  • Hair loss


  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty coping with stress

  • Concentration and memory issues (brain fog)

  • Depression or feeling low

  • Insomnia or disturbed sleep

  • Irritability (grouchy old men!)

  • Aggression (this is seen in both high and low levels; not at optimal levels)

  • Loss of drive and motivation

Causes of low testosterone

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Testosterone levels naturally start to decline slowly from age 30. Some will start to notice symptoms of low testosterone around the age of 35 but other factors can contribute or be the cause of low testosterone, including:

  • Anabolic steroid use

  • Stress

  • Poor sleep

  • Smoking

  • Obesity

  • Medications

  • Environmental factors like pesticides and/or chemicals in food and water

Is TRT right for me?

Ultimately, your doctor will be able to advise whether TRT is the best option for you based on your individual symptoms and test results. However, you may be a good candidate for TRT if:

  • You are starting to feel the effects of ageing. Whilst previously this would be someone in their 40s onwards, these days due to excessive stress, we are seeing changes in much younger patients.

  • You think that you are doing most things right but still can’t lose that last bit of weight; are still more tired than you think you should be; or your anxiety levels and ability to handle stress has gone down.

  • You are curious and want to understand your body better at a time when you are relatively well – this will be your biohacker and health optimiser who’s more interested in prevention than cure.

  • You simply want to be the best version of yourself, whatever age you may be.

Blood tests for low testosterone

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  • Bespoke blood tests
  • Accurate
  • Accredited labs
  • Confidential & secure
  • Reliable
  • Available across the UK

If you go to your GP with concerns about low testosterone they will usually give you a blood test for total testosterone. As the name suggests, this gives an idea of the total amount of testosterone in the body. Whilst this can certainly be an indicator of low testosterone, it often shows normal levels, despite the patient having symptoms. This can result in being misdiagnosed, for example, being told the issue is depression.

You can have your blood sample drawn at our clinic in Central London, or at one of many Superdrug locations across the UK. Call our admin team on 020 7096 5475 to arrange your blood tests at a place near you.

Testosterone replacement therapy – treatment for low testosterone

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Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe treatment for low testosterone. TRT is a medical treatment carried out under the supervision of your Harpal Clinic doctor and is monitored carefully. The testosterone we use for TRT is biologically identical to what we produce naturally in the body. It is used to top up the body’s testosterone level in low doses with the goal of achieving the optimal level your body would naturally have. Everyone is different, but what is considered ‘normal’ ranges from 300 to 900 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). And, the devil is in the details – or more accurately, the dose.

TRT can help:

  • Lower anxiety

  • Improve libido and sexual function

  • Better erection quality

  • More energy

  • Improved skin

  • Better fat distribution

  • Better muscle mass whilst reducing fat mass

  • Improved mood and calmer

  • Improved sleep

  • Stronger bones

How is Harpal Clinic different?

What to expect from TRT

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You can find out more about the cost of TRT at Harpal Clinic on our Fees page.

Aaliyah, Harpal Clinic

Let's talk about how we can help you
